Second and Third Quarter Meeting, July 16, 2020
General information
President Phoebe Maze called the meeting to order at 6:15pm. Treasurer, Debbie Macknight reported a balance of $4,711.08, after this past quarters bills were paid. Little revenue coming in as Workshops on hold until 2021. Dues are down. To date 30 members are current with their dues. In normal years GCC have carries around 45 members. Hopefully we will be back on track 2021. Reminder if you have not paid your dues, that needs to happen to participate in up coming exhibits. Minutes were approved.
Workshops: Research and development of GCC workshops will resume January 2021. The board will be looking for larger spaces to offer future workshops. If you have any suggestions contact Phoebe or Debbie.
Exhibits and Shows
Cherokee Co Arts Center Art show August 6-26, 2020. 94 North St. Canton, Ga 30114.
Drop off August 4/5, 11:30-4pm. Commission: 25% for CAC members, 35% non CAC members. Viewing the exhibit
will be virtual online tour, gallery limited to drop-in (limited to 6 guests in a group) , or by appointment. GCC has a
long wide ranging history of joint ventures with CAC. It s a great space, plenty of room and wall space. Make plans to
show this summer! Now’s the time to get ready...try new work for upcoming GCC fall show in Dalton. FYI Prospectus
emailed 2019 and 2020 members 7/16, prior to minutes going out.
Dalton Art Center/ GCC Show- Exhibit dates: November 6 to December 11,2020.
The Georgia Clay Council exhibit runs November 6 through December 11, 2020 at the Creative Arts Guild, 520 West
Waugh Street in Dalton, GA. Note: one drop-off date on Wednesday, October 28 and one pickup date on
Wednesday, December 16. GCC members who have schedule conflicts on either of these dates can contact
Savannah at to make alternate arrangements. The Dalton Guild will host two
receptions for the exhibit, one on November 6 and one on December 4. The gallery contract lists all pertinent dates
and times. See attachment #1. There is substantial wall space in the gallery, so consider wall pieces.
Marietta Cobb County Museum of Art September 19-December 19, 2021
GCC has been asked to exhibit at the MCMA. This is a big step in a new direction. The invitation speaks to how the clay council has developed our reputation as an organization comprised group of talented and committed clay artist. This in not like any other art show GCC has under taken. The board visited the site after the summer meeting. This is a fabulous facility, nothing like art centers. It is a great opportunity to reach a new audience.
Phoebe gave us some general information at the meeting. It is juried by professionals at the art museum.
It is for works of excellence demonstrating expertise and talent. Their selection is final, GCC has no input to the final selection of work. MCMA is committed to art education. Retails sales not a priority. However, work can be sold. Marketing will be focused on attracting attendance, not retail sales. There will be a 30% commission on work sold.
Deadlines will pop up fast because of the museum’s jury process. GCC will collect and compile members’ digital images to museum for jurying June 30, 2021. Gcc will need images sent to us by June 1, 2021. Deadlines will be confirmed at the November meeting. Also we will discuss if there’s interst in a seminar in January 2021 reviewing what
to expect and how to prepare for a museum show, for members that have not shown at a art museum. Now, is the
time to think about adding a museum quality piece or 2 to the Dalton show, just to experiment with the process.
Please read attachment #2 carefully, it is exciting to think about!!!
GCC, Dalton Art Center and GAEA are optimistically continuing to plan to hold the Georgia Clay Council, Georgia Art
Education Association, and Dalton Creative Arts Guild cosponsored art teacher conference and workshop in Spring
2021. The one-day event will take place on the campus of the Creative Arts Guild. Postponing to spring 2022 is option
if necessary.
2021 ELECTIONS Will be HELD at First Quarter meeting.
It is time to discuss nominations and elections of GCC Board officers.
FYI , I have enjoyed my three years as GCC secretary. I am retiring my clay nativities and moving on to other interests
this fall. I will not be a board member in 2021. Support GCC and participate, of course. The secretary seat will be
open for sure.
In 2020 it has been difficult to keep GCC’s name and members active in the art of North Georgia, that’s been accomplished. GCC does have an interesting fall and new year on the horizon. It’s a great time to step up your involvement and join the planning team for GCC.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:58pm. Plant sale and socializing followed.
In attendance:
Phoebe Maze, Debbie Macknight, Janet Smith, Ann Wallin, Raye Tobin, Triny Cline, Mike Sherrer. Lynna Groh, Sue Chisholm
Minutes for Fourth Quarter Thursday Dec 3, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President Phoebe Maze at 12:10 pm.
Summer 2020 Minutes were approved.
Treasury report was given by Debbie Macknight. The balance to date is $4,971.00.
The 2021 Slate of Officers unanimously approved:
Megan Baker President, Kathryn Somers Vice President, Barb Murphy Secretary, LuceVan Asten Treasurer.
Committee chairs (no vote necessary) continuing as Marketing chairman Denise Van Balen, Resources Chairman Julie
Bradley. The Membership chair is now open as Kathryn moved up to VP.
2021 Dues are due January 1, 2021. Dues must be paid to participate in upcoming workshops and exhibits.
Treasurer will send out and invoice, be sure to watch for it. The invoice makes it possible to pay by credit card online.
Dues and workshops are the only souses of income for GCC. Staying current with GCC is important!
Workshops for 2021 are being developed.
Anna Leal gave a presentation of her workshops at the meeting.
Save the date: April 17-18, 2021. $150.00 members, $190.00 non members. Limit is 12. Location:12053 Reinhart
Parkway, (SR140) Waleska, Ga 30183. Registration will open in 2021, a notice with final details will be sent soon as
COVID-19 requirements are relaxed, and we know what to expect.
Anna’s thoughts on the workshop:
1.Brief intro/ tips on working with porcelain.
2. altering “leather hard” porcelain, light carving and adding on to porcelain.
3. Glaze techniques on bisque tile. Demonstrating how to create a water colorlike effect with underglazes and clear
glazes. Anna will provide a 12 leather hard porcelain bowls for altering, and 12 bisque tiles for glaze. A picture is worth
a 1000 words. Anna provided a handout at the GCC meeting. That handout will be forwarded as an email from GCC. It
will come along with the minutes. Final details will be sent closer to April.
Judy Prater is willing to reschedule her 2020 workshop. Tentative date in July 2021.
Day of Clay2 in Dalton with the Creative Art Guild, Georgia Art Education Assoc and Gcc still pending. Spring 2021. Dan
and Mary Defoor are chairmen for the event. We look forward to their update at February Meeting.
Marietta Cobb County Museum of Art September 19-December 19, 2021
GCC has been asked to exhibit at the MCMA. This is a big step in a new direction. The invitation speaks to
how GCC has developed our reputation as an organization comprised group of talented and committed clay
artist. This in not like any other art show GCC has under taken.
The board visited the site. This is a fabulous facility, nothing like an art centers. It is a great opportunity to reach a new
audience. This exhibit is a JURIED show. The Museum staff will do the jurying. Their selection is final, GCC has no
input to the selection of work. MCMA is committed to art education. Retails sales not a priority. However, work can be
sold. Museum Marketing will be focused on attracting attendance, not retail sales. There will be a 30% commission on
work that is sold.
Update on the Museum deadlines. GCC will contract with Show Submitt to compile members digital photos and
present GCC photos to the Museum for the jury process. GCC photos via ShowSubmit must be to the Museum by
July 12,2021.
Come January its time to start thinking about preparing for the museum show. Deadlines will come fast. Work
should be ready to photograph early May and to send to ShowSubmitt May 15. The details on how to prepare photos
for ShowSubmitt will be discussed at the February meeting. Each member can enter 3 pieces for the jury process.
Wall work is needed as well as standing pieces. Watch for further details as they develop.
Live Model Workshop are you interested? You can either draw or sculpt. Please respond to,
if interested. In the subject box please enter Live model. That will make it easier to keep track of the interest responses.
The 3-D Printing Demonstration prior to the Dec 3 meeting was quite informative. The process is amazing.
Kathryn Somers brought her 3-d printer and supplies, and promptly intrigued us all. We now have a new tool
making process to consider. Volunteering to provide a demonstration was greatly appreciated. Thank you, Kathryn!
Meeting adjourned at 1:28pm
Attendance: Ann Wallin, Kathryn Somers, Anna Leal, Phoebe Maze, Debbie Macknight, Lynna Groh, Barb Murphy,
Debbie Flatt, Megan Baker, Triny Cline, and Sue Chisholm.
The first Quarter meeting 2021 Traditionally this occurs in February. For now pencil in February 11, 2021, 12noon.
Location tba.
I have really enjoyed being in communication with all the GCC members. I appreciate your support, as I lacked so many
computer skills...and speeling..spelling talent. GCC has really had a good run the last few years. It has taken all of the
membership to make this happen. I look forward to GCC’s continued success, and seeing all of you at meetings and
Happy Holidays, Sue Chisholm