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Meeting Minutes

Archived Minutes

3rd Quarter Member Meeting, August 8, 2024 6 p.m. 

Held at the home of Susan Blanchard. 


Financial: Treasurer Report by Kathryn Somers

Recent Expenses: no general expenses, outside those related to the Loucks/Hester workshop (meals and supplies).  

Upcoming Expenses: none at this time, outside of the upcoming Leather workshop (meals and supplies)

  • Scholarship changes: Last meeting (2nd Qtr Member meeting) we discussed dividing the scholarship to 4x a year $250 each to allow members to sign up for classes or workshops as they become available through the year. That discussion ended with us planning to put it up for vote at this meeting, 3rd qtr:

    • A discussion followed to simplify the procedure to allow any amount, at any time during the year, up to the full $1000 annual limit.

    • The process would be simplified to allow the member to submit an application to the board. They would then have up to 2 weeks to put it to the membership in the form of a poll or vote through the website. Notification of the vote will be sent to the membership through email, social media, and Remind 101, with a one week deadline to submit their decision. The applicant should have a decision within 2-3 weeks. 

    • A vote was put to the members attending and passed unanimously. 

    • Website to be updated for the new year.

  • Pugmill: Last meeting included a discussion about the possibility of the GCC purchasing a pugmill for members to rent inexpensively and use for short periods of time. Some benefits to the members were discussed at the time. A vote was scheduled for this meeting.

    • This meeting it was proposed that a pre-approved amount to buy a pugmill would be discussed and voted on. Amounts discussed before were $1500-2000. The pugmill will rent to members for roughly $100 for 2 weeks and be paid for in a timely manner and allow money for maintenance and repairs. 

    • When it was brought up at this meeting, a discussion ensued about how a pugmill is not necessary for handbuilders and sculptures. That led to questioning the overall benefit of a pugmill for the members. Other logistics, such as storage and moving the pugmill (possibly by small trailer) were also discussed.

    • Overall, a vote was not put to the membership since we felt there weren’t enough people in attendance to represent the whole membership.

    • The next step was discussed. A poll on the website to help gauge the memberships interest in having the GCC purchase a pugmill or any other type of equipment for member use will be created. 


Shows and Exhibits: 


“The Art of Clay” Creative Arts Guild, in Dalton has wrapped up. 

  • Sales:$1254 with over 16 pieces sold by 7 artists.Prices ranged = $30 - $300, average = $78

  • Thoughts: it was a successful show.   Sales were dominated by lower price items, with 12 of the 16 pieces sold under $50.  


Bowen Art Center in Dawsonville. August 3 - 23, 2024

  • The Opening reception went well with many people stopping in and viewing the work. Several pieces have been sold so far. 

  • Participating artists are encouraged to bring more pieces to fill the space and replace pieces that have been sold.

  • Reminder that Pickup is August 24, 27, and 28th 

  • Gallery is open Saturday 12-4, Weekdays 10-4


2025 GCC Member Show & Sale:

Last member meeting a Member Show and Sale was discussed. Hosted at the studio of Laura & Fred Ellis in the Spring 2025. This would be open to the members to set up tents or use the covered porch of the studio for display and to sell their work. Members would be responsible for their own display, sales, and personal marketing. The GCC would provide some advertising, signage, and promotional material. 

Further discussion:

  • May 17, 2025; one day event.

  • Minimal participation fee for advertising, maybe about $10. 

    • GCC can provide postcards for artists to mail, a digital postcard for social media, posters for local businesses? 

    • QR code to GCC website. List vendors, links to their social media.

  • Open to members of GCC. 

  • Clay work or multimedia with clay. Allowing other art (member work) to be discussed at the November meeting.

  • Each member is responsible for their own marketing, set up, tent, and displays. Collecting money and taxes. Some spots may be available under cover of the porch.

  • Further list of member responsibilities to be drafted at November meeting.

  • Sign up at the February 2025 meeting through April 1, 2025.

  • No food vendors/trucks this time. In future we will see if we can attract enough traffic to make it worth a food vendor’s time. This time we will have drinks and bake sale type foods. Profits to go to our Empty Bowls charity?

  • Hold harmless form for member vendors to sign to participate.

  • Demos: throwing, handbuilding, raku


​2025 Shows: 

No others currently scheduled. Suggestions are welcome.  

  • Gilmer Arts, Ellijay, is being scheduled for 2026.


Workshops :

August 17 & 18 2024: Leather and Clay; a Beautiful Combination with Tom Slavicek we’re going to explore creative ways to use leather with our clay work.

Tom is going to show us several ways to work with leather so that we can incorporate it into our own clay work. Molding, ways of attaching, working with cording, staining, painting, and decorating are all on the agenda. Julie and Barbara have provided him with several clay pieces to work with so he can get our creativity going. 


November 2 & 3, 2024 Microwave Raku Workshop with Denise. 

Attendees have the option to purchase the setup and bring it to the workshop so they are using their own raku setup. Cost will run about $200 for the setup.

  • Location - Phoebe’s home

  • Starting with wet clay. Yes, wet clay to finished, fully vitrified raku pieces. 

  • Participants can bring fully fired ware. Size restrictions are about 3”x3” 

  • Look for advertisements for further details


Glazes, Stains, and Raku – 2 days to play!  Is in the process of being rescheduled. Watch for further updates.


Workshops 2025:

Sculpting an Octopus with Stacy Morgan, July 2025

Judy Brater Workshop Handbuilding. 

Throwing Large with Dan 2025 - Dan has had surgery again. We will follow up with him on how 2025 is looking. Throwing workshop can be held at Terry Gill's studio.

Leather with Tom a follow up workshop in 2025?

Other Ideas for workshops: (Please let us know what you’re interested in!)

Throwing a lamp base, design, wiring, etc. Ceramics and light.

Metal Clay

Glass and Clay

Glass with Raku

Make your own tools: 3D printed, stamps, brushes, ribs, make your own jelly plate for silkscreening 

Using technology: engraving, laser cutting, vinyl cutting: stencils & silkscreens


Current Outreach and Educational Projects - 


Empty Bowl Event: Spring 2025 March 15, 2025 lunch time, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. (4 hour block)

  • To be held at Canton City Hall.

  • Planning to have groups of about 50 every 30 minutes cycle through. Tickets with timed entry. 

  • Planning for 300 guests. More bowls needed for good selection - maybe 350?

  • Possible silent auction.

  • If you’re interested in helping with the event, please let us know. We’d love for you to join in. 


Volunteer Opportunities:

We need help. You can help as little or as much as you have time for. Consider if any of these opportunities sound fun to you!

  • Secretary Board Member: Note taking, minutes, emails, social media, website updates, etc… however you are able to help us and the GCC.

  • Gallery Events & Shows: may include contacting galleries, coordinating members participation, set up, hanging artwork, coordinating drop off or pick up, etc…

  • Workshops: may include set up, clean up, checking in attendees, coordinating needed supplies, helping the artist…

  • Empty Bowls: may include setting up or cleaning up from an event, collecting bowls, distributing fliers, selling tickets…

  • Field Trips: may include planning trips, coordinating lodging and transportation…

  • GCC Annual Show & Sale: it’s a new idea… it’s a pottery sale and show 

  • Welcoming Committee: welcome new members, help them to stay abreast of upcoming events and answer any questions they might have…


In Attendance:

Phoebe Maze, Lynna Gron, Debbie Macknight, Charlotte Barron, Susan Blanchard, Jalen Austin, Terry Gill, Kathryn Somers, Barbara Murphy, Megan Baker 


Next Meeting: Night-time Meeting. November 14, 2024 

11:30 a.m. Meet & Greet:

12:00 p.m. Potluck lunch & Meeting

Location: Terry Gill's  Studio

Watch for details about a bowl-a-thon throwing party before or after the meeting for our Empty Bowls in 2025!


2nd Quarter Member Meeting, May 2024

Mini Moment: Alabama Clay Conference - Thoughts and experiences
Attendees shared some of their favorite parts of the clay conference. Overall everyone had a great time. We all learned so much from the presenters, the displays, exhibits, demos, and we’re inspired to create more! Discussion led to talks about room sharing and carpooling for next year's conference in Tuscaloosa. 


Financial:Treasurer Report by Kathryn Somers.
Current Balance: $7376.18
Recent Expenses: Ga Secretary of State paid. 
Upcoming Expenses: 
- to help use the scholarship easier, we discussed dividing the scholarship to 2x a year at $500 each. We will discuss it further next meeting and put it up for a vote.
As part of the scholarship Megan brought up the idea of extending a scholarship to a local college art student to attend our workshops. If we are able to cover costs (through full enrollment and large enough space) for the workshop we could extend an invitation through a local college/university teacher to invite a student to attend the workshop for free. This would help new ceramic students learn about the group and promote clay education.


Shows and Exhibits: 


“The Art of Clay” Creative Arts Guild, in Dalton. June 2024

  • Drop off dates: June 3rd & 4th, Monday & Tuesday

  • Opening Reception: Friday June 7th

  • Pick up dates: July 29th & 30th, Monday & Tuesday

The Bowen gallery has two rooms for the show. We estimate we need 50 - 60 wall pieces and there are lots of tables and pedestals for 3-D pieces. We need to make sure we are providing enough wall pieces. The gallery has limited pedestals available, but will be using tables. 
Submission form is on the website! The form has spaces for 5 pieces, but you are not limited to 5. Just resubmit to add more.
They need some photos for advertising! 


Bowen Art Center in Dawsonville, August 3-23, 2024  “The Art of Clay”
Show Dates: Saturday August 3rd to Friday the 23rd. 
Reception: Saturday August 3rd. 1-3pm.
Drop-off Dates: Sat. July 27th. 1-3pm; July 30, 31, August 1st. &                                                                                                                                                                      2nd. 11-3 pm. 
Pickup Dates: Sat. Aug. 24th. 1-3pm. & Aug. 27, 28, 29th 11-3 pm.

Items sold will have a commission deducted, members of the Bowen deduct 20% and non-members 30%. The Bowen will be sending a submission form and show information. 
PDF link is on the website.

  • Publicity for the show will include a postcard. 

  • They would like images of our work for it. Please send photos to our GCC email address. We will pass them on to the Bowen.

  • For the reception, the GCC will provide food and the Bowen will provide drinks. They will provide plates, utensils and napkins.

Future Show or Exhibits:

Fred & Laura Ellis introduced the idea of a member Spring or Fall open studio and sale. This would be open to the members to set up tents or use the covered porch of their studio for display and to sell their work. Members would be responsible for their own display, sales, and personal marketing. The GCC would provide some advertising, signage, and promotional material.  


A tentative date of May 2025 was suggested. We ended the discussion with a step in the right direction would be a letter of intent by members planning on participating. 


This conversation also led to if this pottery show and sale would lead to a resurrection of the Art Ramble? Members could open their studios for sales and a map could be provided with stops. Galleries, non-member studios, and different mediums, etc. could also be added. The Art Ramble required a lot of work. The old Ramble had a budget of about $10,000. 
Some comments included that similar art trails in other areas provide online maps and studio/destination descriptions, cutting down on the costs of printing and advertising. QR codes can be used in simple advertising that lead people to easily updated information on a website. The Canton area has several art groups/organizations (Canton Creatives, Menagerie on Main, Local Color Studio, Canton Commission for the Arts, etc…) that could help promote, sponsor, or be included/involved. 

It's definitely something to think about. Past Ramble participants enjoyed it, but not enough volunteers to make the work light.

Workshops :


August 17 & 18 2024: Leather and Clay with Tom Slavicek

We’re going to explore creative ways to use leather with our clay work.

Tom is going to show us several ways to work with leather so that we can incorporate it into our own clay work. Molding, ways of attaching, working with cording, staining, painting, and decorating are all on the agenda. Julie and Barbara have provided him with several clay pieces to work with so he can get our creativity going. 
$150 per person, all leather supplies and tools are provided, participant minimum 6 - max 15.
Location at Susan Blanchard’s home. 

November 2 & 3, 2024 Microwave Raku Workshop is in discussion with Denise Young, the clay artist. Attendees have the option to purchase the setup and bring it to the workshop. ~$200 for the setup.

Finishing and Glazing Techniques Weekend – 2 days to play! Come learn all about finishing your pieces. From mixing your own glazes, exciting options in commercial glazes, and unconventional finishes - we want to learn it all! 

Discussion included the next steps in planning. A weekend for the 4 or so presenters needs to be decided. Barbara Murphy will help coordinate the presenters to choose a weekend and rough outline of their segments of the event.  
Day 1: 
10:00 - 10:45 a.m. Deborah MacKnight with stains and oxides
11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Valerie Diamond with spraying glazes
11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Lunch and playing with the techniques
2 p.m. - 4? Kathryn - mixing your own glazes

Day 2:
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Fred Ellis, possibly with Ann Wallin, on raku glazing and techniques
12-1 lunch and glazing pieces
1:00 - 6:00 Raku firing

Future Workshop Ideas for 2025:
Pots with Personality: Sculpting with Rebecca Zeimer; monster figurines with an emphasis on expression and character development

Judy Brater Workshop Handbuilding. She’s recovering from surgery and a move. 
Throwing Large with Dan 2025

Ideas for other workshops: Discussion included:
Throwing a lamp base, design, wiring, etc. Ceramics and light. Stamp Making, logos, textures, etc.  
Metal Clay, Glass and Clay, Glass with Raku, Alternative Firings.

Current Outreach and Educational Projects - 

Empty Bowl Event: 
From the last meeting Valerie Diamond and Terry Gill volunteered to work as co-chairs, with Kathryn on the committee. 


Next Meeting: Night-time Meeting. August 8th, 2024 
5:30pm Meet & Greet
6:00pm Potluck & Meeting
Location: TBD

1st Quarter Member Meeting - Thursday, February 8th, 2024
At Barbara Murphy’s home

Empty Bowls Collection (currently over 100!)
11:30 am Meet & Greet
12:00 noon Meeting


12:00 Meeting called to order 

Presentation: Lynna Gron, “Throwing Large”
    Lynna previously attended a workshop on throwing large as part of the GCC scholarship program. In the workshop she made a 75 pound vessel. In her presentation we were able to see the processes her instructors, Katie Johnston and Bryce Briscoe, taught the class. Lynna shared many wonderful photos that helped us see the process she chose for her piece. It was a very informative and entertaining presentation with great results. 
Will she make another large piece? She’s not sure - she found her limitation is the size of her kiln! 


Treasurer Report by Kathryn Somers.
Current Balance:$7264.06
Recent Expenses:  
Upcoming Expenses: GA State license, $30. Annual Scholarship, approximately $450 with another expense later in the year. Promotional material for Hesser and Loucks workshop, approximately $40. 
Current Membership: 24 of 57 renewal invoices have been paid. 5 members have canceled their invoice due to moving and other extenuating circumstances.  

Shows and Exhibits: 

The Harris Arts Center Show Report: Mary DeFoor emailed an update on the GCC sales at the Harris Arts Center. “The total sales were $1242. Many gallery shows at Harris typically produce much, much smaller sales, so this amount speaks to the success of the show and the quality of the members’ work.”


GCC Shows 2024:
We realize these two upcoming shows are very close together. *Please note that there is some overlap from picking up pieces from the CAG show and dropping off for Bowen. It is possible to have the same pieces in both shows with a little coordination - lol.

Creative Arts Guild, in Dalton. June 7 - July 26, 2024 
Submission form will be available on our website in early April. Please think about pieces for hanging as well as pedestal pieces. 

  • Drop off dates: June 3rd & 4th, Monday & Tuesday

  • Opening Reception: Friday June 7th

  • Pick up dates: July 29th & 30th, Monday & Tuesday

We’re thinking of 30-50 pieces to fill the space. We need to make sure we are providing enough wall pieces. The gallery has limited pedestals available. 


Bowen Art Center in Dawsonville. August 3-23, 2024 

  • Show Dates: Saturday August 3rd to Friday the 23rd. 

  • Reception: Saturday August 3rd. 1-3pm.

  • Drop-off Dates: Sat. July 27th. 1-3pm; July 30, 31, August 1st. & 2nd. 11-3 pm. 

  • Pickup Dates: Sat. Aug. 24th. 1-3pm. & Aug. 27, 28, 29th 11-3 pm.

Items sold will have a commission deducted, members of the Bowen deduct 20% and non-members 30%. The Bowen will be sending a submission form and show information. 

Publicity for the show will include a postcard. They would like images of our work for it. Please send photos to our GCC email address.

The Bowen gallery has two rooms for the show. We estimate we need 50 - 60 wall pieces and there are lots of tables and pedestals for 3-D pieces. 

For the reception, the GCC will provide food and non-alcoholic drinks- since The Bowen is on school property they don’t serve alcohol. They will provide plates, utensils and napkins.

Another opportunity:
The BRMAA had a show titled “2024 Artisan Pottery Exposition” slated for June of this year. But, an exhibit was canceled and the pottery show was moved up to April. This show is all clay and will showcase local and regional artists. 
Some of the highlights:

  • 5 pieces per artist

  • All work must be for sale

  • Show runs April 5 - May 18th (ends before the CAG show)


Member Show & Sale:
At our last meeting, 4th Quarter 2023 in November, we discussed creating a new annual member sale based on past sales and the Art Ramble. We were contacted by Tim Coulter of Local Color Studio in downtown Canton about the possibility of using their studio to host an event. We will follow up with that and get more information for the next meeting. 


Fred & Laura Ellis introduced the idea of a member Spring or Fall open studio and sale. This would be open to the members to set up tents or use the covered porch of their studio for display and to sell their work. Members would be responsible for their own display, sales, and personal marketing. The GCC would provide some advertising, signage, and promotional material. Possibly some light refreshments for attendees. 

A tentative date of May 2025 was introduced. A step in the direction would be a letter of intent by members planning on participating. 


Beginning an annual member sale brought up the topic that this could lead to a resurrection of the Art Ramble. Discussion included that other members could open their studios for sales and a map could be provided with stops. Galleries, non-member studios, and different mediums, etc. could also be added. This led to a discussion about the amount of work the Art Ramble required. The Ramble had a budget of about $10,000. Some comments included that similar art trails in other areas provide online maps and studio/destination descriptions, cutting down on the costs of printing and advertising. QR codes can be used in simple advertising that lead people to easily updated information on a website. The Canton area has several art groups/organizations (Canton Creatives, Menagerie on Main, Local Color Studio, Canton Commission for the Arts, etc…) that could help promote or be included/involved.    


Workshops :

Scheduled Workshops:


Leather and Clay with Tom Slavicek, originally scheduled for February was canceled. Tom had a conflict with the February dates. A new date of Friday and Saturday, August 16th & 17th has been scheduled.  
Students will get a chance to use various types of leather while enhancing their clay creations.
Techniques to be taught include colorizing leather pieces and accents, using a pyrography tool on leather, decorating clay pots/mugs/bowls with leather accents, "wrinkled leather" technique, "marbled leather" coloring technique, and more. 

“Altered and Embellished” Demonstration with Lynnette Hesser & Steve Loucks https://www.lynnettehesserceramicscom

  • April 13 & 14th 2024: Workshop. New location at Laura and Fred Ellis’s studio.

  • April 12th: Meet the Artists at Phoebe Maze’s home

  • Reserve your spot now. $140 members, $200 non-members

November 2 &3, 2024 Microwave Raku Workshop with Denise Young
    Watch for more details. It’s going to be fun!

Finishing and Glazing Techniques Weekend, late Summer/early Fall 2024 
Original suggested line-up:

  • Stains & Oxides - Debbie Macknight

  • Spraying Glazes - Valerie Diamond

  • Mixing Your Own Glazes - Kathryn Somers

  • Raku Glazes and Techniques for Alternative Firing - Fred Ellis & Ann Wallin

Proposed future workshops:

Pots with Personality: Sculpting with Rebecca Zeimer; monster figurines with an emphasis on expression and character development”

Throwing Large with Dan


Judy Brater: Handbuilding, 2025
    Judy had major surgery and a move this past Winter. She hopes to be up and running by Fall of 2024. We will touch base with her later this year to set a date.   

Current Outreach and Educational Projects - 

Empty Bowl Event: We’re still collecting bowls each meeting towards the goal of having a local event. Jenna Samples has stepped down as Chair. A plea was made for a volunteer to assume the role of chair. Valerie Diamond and Terry Gill volunteered to work as co-chairs to get the event rolling. Kathryn will be on the committee.
A thought was made that the empty bowls event could be rolled into the member sale and show. Valerie brought up that the empty bowls event was started as a reminder of those that live with hunger in their communities. The event really shouldn’t be combined with a member show or sale. For more information about the event and how it began, go to 

Megan suggested the event might be held in a place like the Mill in Canton. They hold other charity events and seem to welcome events for the community. Local restaurants, including downtown Canton and the Mill, might be willing to donate the soups. The owners and managers of The Mill should be contacted to see if they would be interested in hosting the event. 

Building our Network
New Art Shows and Festival Database
Still working on it.
Send in any shows you love to do or have heard great things about.

Education and Outreach:

Annual Scholarship:
 2 applications were received for the annual scholarship. The first was from Kathryn Somers for an online glazing workshop. The second was from Jaylen Austin to attend the upcoming Tom Slavicek Leather Workshop. Since both scholarships were below the $1000 scholarship amount, they were both approved. Jaylen was also encouraged to find another workshop to attend on the scholarship that she can present to the members. Kathryn will be presenting in our glazing workshop. 

In Attendance:
Barbara Murphy, Kathryn Somers, Deborah MacKnight, Lynna Gron, Susan Blanchard, Charlotte Barron, Phoebe Maze, Denise Burke, Laura Ellis, Fred Ellis, Megan Baker, Valerie Diamond, Terry Gill, Jalen Austin.

Next Meeting: Night-time Meeting. May 9, 2024
5:30 Meet & Greet
Studio Stuff Swap & Sale will be the 2nd Quarter Member Meeting in May 2024. Just in time for Spring cleaning!  
6 pm Meeting 
Location: TBD


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