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4th Quarter Member Meeting November 9, 2022


Masonic Lodge

Hickory Flat, GA


Roundtable 11:30 a.m. Special guest presenter on the Evolution of Pottery by Paisley Cate

We had a wonderful discussion on many different places and time periods where pottery was developed and how it was adapted for the different cultures and needs.  


Meeting 12:00 p.m. – Call to order & potluck begins.


Financial :

Luce Van Asten is leaving on Monday November 14th. She will be visiting again in the new year.   


Treasurer Report – Current balance $5,589.60

Upcoming Expenses - Scholarship for 2023 


Watch for emails about dues for 2023 to come out in December.


Shows and Exhibits: 


Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association / Art Center - January 14 - February 24, 2023 

Mark your calendars! It’s coming faster than you think! Dates to note:

November 29, 2022 - Artist Bio & Inventory (mail in or email - look for fillable or printable PDF on website (it is on the website) and email)

December 20, 2022 - Artwork Delivery 11am - 4 p.m. (Snow Date January 6th)

January 14, 2023 - Opening Reception 5-7pm

February 25, 2023 - Pick-up Artwork 11am-4pm


The Harris Arts Center (in Calhoun) - August 25 - October 12, 2023 

Dates to note:

Drop off - August 17-19th

Exhibit Opens - August 25th

Reception - Sunday August 27th, 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Pick-up - October 13 - 18th


In the Works:


Creative Arts Guild (in Dalton)

Kathryn has spoken with David George on gallery availability and will report on possible show dates. Most likely 2024.


Contact Letter

We are working on a contact letter to send to galleries as an introduction to the Georgia Clay Council. For many galleries this will be the first contact they have with our organization. In conjunction with the letter, we are working on adding a page to our site as a portfolio or showcase of our past events so the galleries can see how well our members present a diverse and interesting show. 

We are soliciting any photos from shows and exhibits that members may have taken to add to the website. Please email them to us with the name and date of the show or event - or as much information as possible. 


Workshops :


Glazing - Since a large interest was expressed for glazing, we’re moving forward with a ‘Glazing Techniques Weekend’ Presented by the members…. 

4-6 Presenters, up to half day each (10 a.m.-1 p.m. & 2 p.m.-5 p.m.), Saturday and Sunday. Topics could include:

Underglazes, Washes, & Oxides to create new and interesting effects. Oxides - Julie Nunn

Commercial Glazes, options and new techniques.

Spraying, Brushing, & Dipping for maximum results.

Mixing & Formulation, the very basics. Kathryn Somers

Brush Making.

Wax Resist. Clean edges, on feet, masking, cutting vinyl/mylar/tyvek/paper as masks, stencils, and templates.

Silk screens, using printed transparencies.


If you have any skills, tricks, or techniques you’d like to share during this event, please drop us an email with the demo and how much time you’d like to share and how much time the participants might spend experimenting with it. This will be a low cost event for the members and GCC will provide the materials and lunches. 


Future Workshop Possibilities:


Throwing Large - March 2023 tentative date 

There was a discussion on the possibility of using the studio space at the Creative Arts Guild to host a members workshop/demo by Dan DeFoor. 

Lynna Gron has attended a “Big Pots” class and will present to the members, we may be able to combine the two and have a thorough presentation on tips, tricks, and techniques for throwing large. 

Kathryn will work with Dan and Mary to determine if The Creative Arts Guild is a possibility for hosting the event and what costs might be incurred. Another possible venue is with Mike Lalone at Young Harris. It would be a smaller workshop if hosted there.  


Raku Building, Glazing, and Firing: Barbara’s Raku area is getting closer… When it is ready, we will host a full 2 day workshop in the same format as a regular GCC hosted workshop. Preliminary plans include the building and operation of a raku kiln on day 1. Glazes, glazing demo, and demonstration firing, along with participant firings on day 2. Attendees will bring about 3 small (about 8” H x 4” D) bisque-fired items to fire. Glazes will be furnished by the GCC. 


Other possibilities for 2023 include:


Mike Lalone- “Throwing off the Hump”. Hands-on, all levels. Could be held at Young Harris College - maybe 10 participants?


Judy Brater - reach out to her for fees and availability

Stacy Morgan - Octopi sculptures (might have handle pulling as an option for a workshop; may have other options?)


Education and Outreach:


Annual Scholarship:

Start exploring workshops and courses you may want to attend in 2023. Applications are due at the end of November. See the website for more details.





President  - 

Vice President -

Secretary -

Treasurer - 

Media and Promotion -

Resource Chair -

Shows, Exhibits, Galleries Chair -

Membership Chair -

Website and Social Media Chair -

Volunteer Chair -

Empty Bowls - Jenna Samples


In attendance:

Barbara Murphy, Kathryn Somer, Julie Nunn, Megan Baker, Martie Moore, Tracy Cullen, Jenna Samples, Nancy Mancini


Next Meeting:  Daytime meeting. February 2023 


If you have not yet done so, please like/follow/join the GCC on the following social media platforms.  We’ll do our best to promote member shows, as well as group events.   Feel free to tag us in your own marketing efforts or email us with your event information so that we can add it to our feeds:


Facebook:    This is a private FB group where members can communicate and ask questions about upcoming events.


Facebook:   This is a public page where anyone can see and post about group events.


Instagram:  This is a place where the group or members can post images from events  or of their work.   The group can be tagged @gaclaycouncil,  #gaclaycouncil or #georgiaclaycouncil.

3rd Quarter Member Meeting August 10, 2022

Kathryn’s Home in Dalton

Roundtable 5:30 p.m. Meet A Member, Show & Share, Cry & Complain. 

Meeting 6:15 p.m. – Call to order & potluck begins.


Financial :
Treasurer Report – Luce Van Asten was excused from the meeting due to travel. 

  • Current balance $6886.04 balance as of 8/8/22

  • New Members - 3 new members since last meeting. 

  • Recent Expenses - $212 Mailbox renewal

  • Upcoming Expenses - none known before end of year, excluding the scholarship for 2022 which is dependent on class offerings as of yet to be released. Update 8/17/22: Lynna Gron has registered for a class at Bascom, “Big Pots Through History.”


Shows and Exhibits :
Gilmer Arts in Ellijay - July - August 2022 – Seems to be going well. Several pieces have sold.  

Mark your Calendar - Pick-up, Tuesday August 23rd 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. unless special arrangements are made.


Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association / Art Center - January 14 - February 24, 2023 
Mark your calendars! It’s coming faster than you think!

Dates to note:

  • November 29, 2022 - Artist Bio & Inventory (mail in or email - look for fillable or printable PDF on website under "Upcoming Events" and email)

  • December 20. 2022 - Artwork Delivery 11am - 4 p.m. (Snow Date January 6th)

  • January 14, 2023 - Opening Reception 5-7pm

  • February 25, 2023 - Pick-up Artwork 11am-4pm


The Harris Arts Center (in Calhoun) - August 25 - October 12, 2023 
Dates to note:

  • Drop off - August 17-19th

  • Exhibit Opens - August 25th

  • Reception - Sunday August 27th, 3:00-4:30 p.m.

  • Pick-up - October 13 - 18th


In the Works:
Chastain Arts Center & Gallery We’ve been talking with Kimberly Shelton, the Pottery Project Coordinator. They will be hosting their first official gallery exhibition in February 2023. Waiting on a reply about possible openings in the schedule.

Creative Arts Guild (in Dalton)
Kathryn has spoken with David George on gallery availability and will report on possible show dates. Might be 2023 or 2024.


Galleries and Museums Spreadsheet – Julie Nunn has assembled a spreadsheet to help us plan for future shows and exhibits. 

We are now working on a contact letter to send to galleries as an introduction to the Georgia Clay Council. For many galleries this will be the first contact they have with our organization. In conjunction with the letter, we are working on adding a page to our site as a portfolio or showcase of our past events so the galleries can see how well our members present a diverse and interesting show. 
We are soliciting any photos from shows and exhibits that members may have taken to add to the website. Please email them to us with the name and date of the show or event - or as much information as possible. 


Workshops :
Raku Building, Glazing, and Firing: Fred Ellis is working on dates to host a raku kiln building workshop at Laura's & his studio this Fall.

This will be a full 2 day workshop in the same format as a regular GCC hosted workshop.

  • Preliminary plans include the building and operation of a raku kiln on day 1.

  • Glazes, glazing demo, and demonstration firing, along with participant firings on day 2.

  • Attendees will bring about 3 small (about 8” H x 4” D) bisque-fired items to fire.

  • Glazes will be furnished by the GCC. 

Future Workshop Possibilities:

Future Workshop Topic Survey Results by Kathryn Somers
Throwing Large - 
There was a discussion on the possibility of using the studio space at the Creative Arts Guild to host a members workshop/demo by Dan DeFoor. Since Lynna Gron will be attending a “Big Pots” class and will present to the members, we may be able to combine the two and have a thorough presentation on tips, tricks, and techniques for throwing large. 
Kathryn will work with Dan and Mary to determine if The Creative Arts Guild is a possibility for hosting the event and what costs might be incurred.

Glazing - a large interest was expressed for glazing. 
Kathryn will reach out to Stacy Morgan and see if she has any suggestions for presenters. If any members have an artist in mind that might want to teach a workshop, please reach out to a member of the board with your suggestion.
Another possibility was discussed, a ‘Glazing Techniques Weekend’ by the members, for the members…. 
4 Presenters, half day each (10 a.m.-1 p.m. & 2 p.m.-5 p.m.), Saturday and Sunday.

Topics could include:

  • Underglazes, Washes, & Oxides to create new and interesting effects.

  • Commercial Glazes, options and new techniques.

  • Spraying, Brushing, & Dipping for maximum results.

  • Mixing & Formulation, the basics.

  • Brush Making.

Low FIre, Wood Fire, or Other Alternative Glaze Firings.
Raku - after the raku workshop with Fred, we discussed the possibility of restarting and scheduling the member raku events on a regular basis.

Marketing - we are open to suggestions on how to help educate our members in the wild, untamed world of marketing and self-promotion….

If you have not yet done so, please like/follow/join the GCC on the following social media platforms. We’ll do our best to promote member shows, as well as group events.   Feel free to tag us in your own marketing efforts or email us with your event information so that we can add it to our feeds:
Facebook:    This is a private FB group where members can communicate and ask questions about upcoming events.
Facebook:   This is a public page where anyone can see and post about group events.
Instagram:  This is a place where the group or members can post images from events  or of their work.   The group can be tagged @gaclaycouncil,  #gaclaycouncil or #georgiaclaycouncil.


Meanwhile, the Alabama Visual Arts Network has created a webinar series for ongoing professional business training called “Creating Your Career.”

You can find upcoming seminars at  Past recordings are available at and include:

  • Scared of Starting a Business ?

  • Introduction to Branding & Marketing

  • Marketing and Advertising

  • Introduction to Off Camera Flash Photography for Artists

  • “Connecting Your Work to Your Market” with Katherine Zobre

  • "Leveraging Instagram to Promote Your Artwork" with Curt Hammerly

  • “Contracts and Mediation” with Christine Dodd

Other possibilities for 2023 include:
John Roberts - Wheel-thrown workshop. Demo with stacked pots. Hosting can be at the Masonic Lodge if wheel throwing is outside. 
Mike Lalone- “Throwing off the Hump”. Hands-on, all levels. 


Education and Outreach:

Annual Scholarship:
Start exploring workshops and courses you may want to attend in 2023. Applications are due at the end of November. See the website for more details.

Empty Bowls: 
Denise VanBalen, who was heading our Empty Bowls event, has had to take a step back from the GCC for personal reasons. Until we have another volunteer to get our own event up and running, there are other Empty Bowl events we can help with. (If anyone else knows of other events, please pass them on to us so we can add them to our minutes or website.)


One is:

Rome, Georgia
Monday, 11/14/2022
Hello Potters!  We are reaching out to our local pottery artists again this year for our annual event.  We hope that you will be able to donate your talent and beautiful food-safe work for this amazing cause. 
Empty Bowls is a long-standing fundraiser to raise money and awareness of programs in the Floyd County area that provide nutrition for people who need a hand up.  The nutrition programs cannot receive any State or Federal funding for their food program.  As always, with the donations of the pottery, the food we serve and the volunteer service, 100% of the proceeds will go to a program to help feed local families. 
Please RSVP via email or by phone to Jody Jones no later than TUES, 9/6
706-346-6693    ---
ARTIST: __________________________
PHONE: __________________________
NUMBER OF BOWLS: _______________
Jody Jones
Event & Experience Specialist
Hospitality Association Coordinator
Office:  706-295-5576 ext. 7489
Cell: 706-346-6693
402 Civic Center Drive, Rome, GA 30161

ELECTIONS ARE COMING!   You can run, but you can’t hide…. Seriously, I’ll find you….

Please be thinking about how you can serve in the GCC. There are lots of ways to help promote the clay arts and teach others. All positions are available for consideration.
Vice President 
Media and Promotion 
Resource Chair
Shows, Exhibits, Galleries Chair
Membership Chair 
Website and Social Media Chair
Volunteer Chair


In attendance:
Julie Nunn, Barbara Murphy, Kathryn Somers, Megan Baker, Ree Lambert, Dan DeFoor, Mary DeFoor, Lynna Gron, Laurel Chaney, and Phoebe Maze.


Next Meeting:  
November 9th. Daytime meeting.
Most likely will be held at the Masonic Lodge in Hickory Flat, Canton area.


2nd Quarter Member Meeting May 11, 2022

Gilmer Arts, 207 Dalton St, Ellijay, GA 30540


Roundtable 5:30 p.m. Meet A Member - 


Deborah MacKnight gave a WONDERFUL presentation on how she created the bases for her sculptures that were in the Marietta Cobb Museum show. If you recall, they had a lovely wood vibe with an iron oxide finish that created a range of surfaces from realistic wood to a leather-like look. Thick walls for support, ventilation, and lots of time helped her create bases that were perfectly flat (or really close) and sturdy for her sculptures. Her technique with the finish included rubbing or burnishing with a soft cloth creating varying areas of oxide. Where the oxide was thicker, it created a deep, matte finish in brownish-black. The thinner areas allowed for the variations of brown that helped create a natural wood tone.   


Kathryn Somers shared her results from Luce VanAsten’s workshop (they were so much fun!) and new pieces that she’s been working on. 


(A suggestion was made during the meeting that meetings from past years had sometimes included a show-and-tell from any member attending the meeting. We’d like to continue this tradition and encourage everyone to bring a piece that you can show, talk about, or get advice on. When I (Megan) first began attending meetings I was bringing my firing issues (pinholes - ugh) and getting the best advice and things to try. It was a great way for me to learn and get to know the other members! One of our purposes is to help educate each other and share our experiences. So, let’s do that!) 


Meeting 6:15p.m. – Call to order by Megan Baker and potluck began.


Financial : Treasurer Report – Luce Van Asten: 

  • Current balance $7977.96

    • Reminder on $1000 outstanding to be paid for 2022 scholarship.

  • Upcoming workshop by Stacy Morgan - We’ve received enough participants to cover the cost of the workshop.


Shows and Exhibits :


July 2022 - Gilmer Arts in Ellijay – (Handout flier - also see flier on website and email) Barbara Murphy: 

Drop off June 21 & 22, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. - unless special arrangements are made.

Reception Sunday, June 26th. Time: 3-5 p.m.

Exhibit runs until August 23rd. Pick-up 23rd and 24th.

Please go to upcoming events on the website and submit your pieces, including your name, contact info, title of the piece, medium, dimensions, wall/table/podium, and price or NFS, for tags to be ready at drop off. Please email images to us at if you’d allow your pieces to be used for publicity. (We can also use them to update your images on your member page.)


Jan/Feb 2023 - Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association / Art Center - Mark your calendars! Rough dates are early January to mid-February, the same timeframe as our 2020 exhibit. Specific dates and times will be passed on when they are set. We’re looking forward to a beautiful show there again! 


Aug-Oct 2023 - Calhoun – The Harris Arts Center - approximate show dates of mid-August to mid-October 2023. Opening reception August 20th or 27th, from 3-4:30 pm. The pickup date would be October 16 & 17.


In the Works:

Chastain Arts Center & Gallery We’ve been talking with Kimberly Shelton,the Pottery Project Coordinator. They will be hosting their first official gallery exhibition in February 2023. 

  • Megan contacted Kimberly Shelton and offered dates of March - July or November into 2024. Waiting for a reply.


Galleries and Museums Spreadsheet – Julie Nunn is assembling a spreadsheet to help us plan for future shows and exhibits. 


Workshops :


Stacy Morgan, May 14&15, 2022, 

Friday Night Pre-party! Meet the Artist  Friday May 13, 2022. 6 p.m. dinner followed by a conversation with Stacy Morgan. Open to all members and workshop attendees.

Saturday: Slip Trailing 

An intensive, full day, hands on workshop about slip trailed decoration for ceramic  artists and potters. We’ll start with an information packed discussion and a demonstration of  the properties of slip, recipes and how to prepare them, how to adjust for the most desirable  flow and application, how to add colorants, a variety of tools for different effects, effective  drying and firing. 

The second part of the day is hands-on. We’ll explore a variety of application techniques on practice slabs of clay.  

Sunday: Beyond Slip Trailing 

We will  cover texturizing and special effects with plain and colored slips, building layers of interest with  slip from 2-D effects to 3-D effects, basic Mishima and Sgraffito, and a great way of making and  using stencils using a Cricut and a smartphone, that are perfect for working with slip to build  depth and interest on pottery surfaces.  

Participant materials: Attendees will need medium leather hard, small to medium pieces on which to practice each technique. Suggested: 4-5 pieces. Basic pottery tools, paint brushes, foam applicators, heat gun, wax resist, water pails, sponges etc. Stacy will bring the slip trailers she prefers, and they will be available for purchase.  

Water, snacks and lunches will be provided both days. Typical lunches are Publix sandwich trays, chips, fruit, dessert for one day; Pizza, salads, and dessert for another. Participants will have access to a refrigerator to bring meals for dietary restrictions and other drinks. 

Check out Stacy’s website to see her work:


Future Workshop Possibilities:


Fred Ellis has suggested a raku kiln building mini-workshop for those who would like to learn about the raku kiln. He needs to re-do the GCC raku kiln and could host a workshop. (This is different from what is listed on the questionnaire that is mentioned below). Details to follow…


Future workshop topic survey - Kathryn Holt submitted a questionnaire for member interest in future workshops. Please check the website on the Upcoming Events page for the form to submit digitally. We’d LOVE to hear what your interests are and about any artists that inspire you. We can always reach out and invite them to present a workshop. 


John Roberts - Wheel-thrown workshop. Demo with stacked pots. Possible August or Fall 2022 date? Megan will email him to determine if the workshop could involve participation and when his availability is. Hosting can be at the Masonic Lodge if wheel throwing is outside. 


Mike Lalone- (Will be doing a pinch-pot bust workshop at CAC in May) Another workshop possibility for Fall 2022 or in 2023 “Throwing off the Hump”. Hands-on, all levels. 


Education and Outreach:


“Day of Clay” Teacher Workshop with Creative Arts Guild: Was a beautiful day! Thank you to all who participated. We had a great time and the teachers seemed to enjoy themselves! 

Report from Dan & Mary:

32 attendees of all levels of experience and grade levels

10-11 volunteers and presenters

Look for the next one in a few years…


Annual Scholarship:

Be thinking about workshops and courses you want to attend in 2023. Applications are due at the end of November. See the website for more details.


Julie Brown - Akira Satake Workshop 3 Day Virtual Workshop

Julie reported on what she had learned from the 3 Day online workshop she attended. Akira was originally a musician and moved to the US. He opened a recording studio and was a photographer. He enrolled in a pottery class to unwind from his hectic recording studio schedule. 

A few things Julie took away from the class - He is not looking to make “perfect” pieces; embrace the imperfect - when throwing tea bowls he makes them off-center because there is beauty in the imperfections. 

He uses a dark colored STARworks clay to contrast with white slip in the Kohiki style. He developed his own style of Kohiki by brushing the slip onto the dark clay body and then stretching the clay to distort and crack. See his website for examples and inspiration  also at  and 


Empty Bowls 

Denise has to step back from her activity with the GCC for a short while. In the meantime, we are still looking at a possible Empty Bowls event in the Fall. 

      Possible Locations:

                The Mill (Open air space, stage, Derby event) - they seem to be invested in community events and causes.

Anyone wanting to help or head up the event?



Please be thinking about how you can serve in the GCC. There are lots of ways to help promote the clay arts and teach others. All positions are available for consideration.

  • President 

  • Vice President 

  • Secretary 

  • Treasurer

  • Media and Promotion 

  • Resource Chair

  • Shows, Exhibits, Galleries Chair

  • Membership Chair 

  • Website and Social Media Chair

  • Volunteer Chair

Nominations at the next meeting in August and voting in November.


Next Meeting: August 10th - evening Meeting:

Kathryn volunteered to host in Calhoun. Address to come.

5:30 Meet A Member, Show and Share, Cry and Complain (Whatever clay issues you’re dealing with!)

6:00 Potluck and Meeting


Sheesh, these minutes are getting long….

In attendance: 

Barbara Murphy, Luce Van Asten, Kathryn Somers, Megan Baker, Deborah Macknight, Lynna Gron, Nancy Mancini, Martie Moore, Phoebe Maze, Dan DeFoor, Mary DeFoor. 

1st Quarter Member Meeting February 09, 2022

Hickory Flat Masonic Lodge, 2907 E. Cherokee Rd., Canton, Ga. 30115


Roundtable 11:30 a.m. Meet Barbara Murphy and her work


Meeting 12:00 – Meeting was called to order and potluck began.


Financial :

         Treasurer Report – Luce Van Asten is excused from the meeting due to illness : 

  • Current balance $7096.98.

  • This includes $1050 collected towards the upcoming workshop by Luce. Expenses for the workshop are expected to be

  • Five new members since the last meeting. Nancy Highfill, Pam & Evan Kohler-Camp, Martie L Moore, Cynthia Prince, and Jill Williams.

  • Dues are due! Look for an invoice from Square…


Shows and Exhibits :


We are working with galleries and venues that haven’t been open since the start of the pandemic. Many have had changes in staff and are learning new roles.  


July 2022 - Gilmer Arts in Ellijay – (Please see flier on website - upcoming events) Barbara Murphy: 

Drop off June 21&22 - unless special arrangements are made.

Reception Sunday, June 26th.

Exhibit runs until August 23rd.

A form is available on the website under "Upcoming Events" to send us the name of the piece, your name, dimensions,price or NFS, medium for tags to be ready at drop off.

If you can, please email photos to that they may use for publicity.  


Jan/Feb 2023 - Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association / Art Center - Mark your calendars! Rough dates are early January to mid-February, the same timeframe as our 2020 exhibit. Specific dates and times will be passed on when they are set. We’re looking forward to a beautiful show there again! 

Aug-Oct 2023 - Calhoun – The Harris Arts Center - approximate show dates of mid-August to mid-October 2023. Opening reception August 20th or 27th, from 3-4:30 pm. The pickup date would be October 16 & 17.

In the Works:

The Cherokee Arts Center The arts center is still looking for a new facility, but they have begun to use the current gallery space. Presently they are showing an exhibition of their instructors. We have approached them about a show later this year. - Update since the meeting - the CAC will be closing at the end of May.


Chastain Arts Center & Gallery We’ve been talking with Kimberly Shelton,the Pottery Project Coordinator. She indicated that they are in the beginning phases of coordinating their new roles since their re-opening. They will be hosting their first official gallery exhibition in February 2023. We will continue talking with them about a possible date in 2023. Working with our current commitments, we could possibly add them in March - July, or late Oct- Dec.  

  • Any thoughts on spacing out shows? 

  • What is the group comfortable with? 

  • Could shows overlap? The consensus was that shows should not overlap.

  • Do the members have enough pieces to cover an overlap? The consensus was that  many members do not have enough work to have shows overlap - that could create a show where there was not enough work available to fill the show and reflect the diversity of the membership. 

  • Megan will contact Kimberly Shelton and work on dates of April - June or late Fall into Christmas.


Galleries and Museums Spreadsheet – Julie Nunn is assembling a spreadsheet to help us plan for future shows and exhibits. 


Workshops :


Surface Decoration with Luce Van Asten;  March 26 & 27, 2022 at Phoebe Maze’s home. Registration will open in January. Cost will be $150 for members and $185 non-member. This will include some of the supplies needed, such as the gelli-plate, that attendees will take home. Fliers will be attached or available on the website. Look for a registration email in January.


Stacy Morgan, May 14&15, 2022, 

Saturday: Slip Trailing 

An intensive, full day, hands on workshop about slip trailed decoration for ceramic  artists and potters. We’ll start with an information packed discussion and a demonstration of  the properties of slip, recipes and how to prepare them, how to adjust for the most desirable  flow and application, how to add colorants, a variety of tools for different effects, effective  drying and firing. 

The second part of the day is hands-on. We’ll explore a variety of application techniques on practice slabs of clay.  

Sunday: Beyond Slip Trailing 

We will  cover texturizing and special effects with plain and colored slips, building layers of interest with  slip from 2-D effects to 3-D effects, basic Mishima and Sgraffito, and a great way of making and  using stencils using a Cricut and a smartphone, that are perfect for working with slip to build  depth and interest on pottery surfaces.  

Participant materials: Attendees will need medium leather hard, small to medium pieces on which to practice each technique. Suggested: 4-5 pieces. Basic potter tools, paint brushes, foam applicators, heat gun, wax resist, water pails, sponges etc. Stacy will bring the slip trailers she prefers, and they will be available for purchase.  

Water, snacks and lunches will be provided both days. Typical lunches are Publix sandwich trays, chips, fruit, dessert for one day; Pizza, salads, and dessert for another. Participants will have access to a refrigerator to bring meals for dietary restrictions and other drinks. 

Friday Night Pre-party! Meet the Artist  Friday May 13, 2022. 6 p.m. dinner followed by a conversation with Stacy Morgan. Open to all members and workshop attendees.

Check out Stacy’s website to see her work:

165/200 if we have AT LEAST 12 attendees to cover costs. 


Future Workshop Possibilities:


Sculpting with Plasticine Clay & Mold Making with Julie Nunn; has been delayed to 2023. This is a one-day workshop including step-by-step for modeling the head.


John Roberts - Wheel-thrown workshop. Demo with stacked pots. Possible August or Fall 2022 date? Megan will email him to determine when his availability is. Hosting can be at the Masonic Lodge if wheel throwing is outside. 


Mike Lalone- (Will be doing a pinch-pot bust workshop at CAC in May) Another workshop possibility for Fall or 2023 “Throwing off the Hump”. Hands-on, all levels. 


The subject of location possibilities brought up the Talking Rock Pottery (in Talking Rock…) They may be available to host a workshop, especially a wheel workshop. It is something to keep in mind for future workshops.


Education and Outreach:


“Day of Clay” Teacher Workshop with Creative Arts Guild: Update from Dan and Mary DeFoor:

         Saturday April 23, 2022. A handout was presented (and will be attached or found on the website) for members to sign up to help someone with a workshop, or to present a 1 or 2 hour workshop for the teachers.

         Workshops can have a target audience for teachers with no experience and up to teachers that are very educated in clay. Some schools, such as many elementary schools, may be limited to hand-building, but others will have wheels available. Dan will be running a wheel throwing workshop. A raku workshop is always a hit and is planned. Past workshops have included ribbon pots, fish, pinch pots…  Really, anything you do would be knowledge gained for the teachers!

         So, fill out a form and present a workshop or help someone else present theirs!

If you have any questions you can contact Dan for more information (and send your form in) at or 678-524-4499.


Annual Scholarship

Two applicants sent in forms. Lynna Gron and Julie Brown. 

  • Lynna Gron 

Bowl”ing” with Cone 6 glazes John C Campbell Folk School with Lynnette Hesser & Steve Loucks 

Accentuate bowls with carving,altering,assembling, and embellishing techniques creating unique pieces for a variety of purposes. Demystify glazes through demonstrations of various application methods for cone 6 electric firing.

The dates of the course or workshop and cost...: June 5th thru 12th. 2022 $1009 tuition + Room and board extra 

  • Julie Brown

Akira Satake 3 day virtual workshop. March 1-3, 2022 I have all ready registered because it could sell out. In January it did sell out and I missed it. I admire his work and would look forward to sharing his techniques should I be awarded the scholarship.

Three-day online Zoom workshop that will feature hands on demonstrations, slide presentations, and lots of in depth discussion about my techniques, artistic journeys, and personal creative philosophy. Each session will run for three hours with a short intermission. Students are invited to submit questions on the Zoom Chat feature which will be answered during the session. Open to all levels of experience. 

The dates of the course or workshop and cost...: March 1-3 $300

Both applicants were awarded approximately half their expenses for the class. Julie Brown $150 and Lynna $1000. This is a little over our original amount, but within the budget. Lynna’s class was filled before she could register, so she will update the board on another class or opening at a future date. 


Empty Bowls 

Update from Denise who is in quarantine since her husband tested positive for Covid. They are well. 

The GCC Empty Bowl fundraiser for Must Ministries has been moved to a fall date. As of now she’s looking at October and hoping we can coordinate with a city of Canton event! 


Next Meeting: May 11th - evening Meeting:  Julie Brown offered the Gilmer Arts Center for the next Quarterly Meeting in May. 


See you then!



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